Optical Astronomy

A List Supernova Pages on the WWW
Links to a growing list of WWW pages concerning all aspects of research on supernova and supernova remnants. Observations and theory; all types of supernovae; research groups and individual researchers.
A Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse
Report of the June 1983 Total Solar Eclipse, as viewed from Java, Indonesia.
Includes 5k JPEG image of the sun in totality.
Advanced Camera for Surveys ( ACS )
The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) will be installed in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) during a Space Shuttle mission in 1999. ACS will increase the discovery efficiency of the HST by a factor of ten. ACS will consist of three electronic cameras and a complement of filters and dispersers that detect light from the ultraviolet at 1200 angstroms to the near infrared at 10,000 angstroms.
Air Force Maui Optical Station ( AMOS )
Information about the Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS), located on Maui, Hawaii. This is a dual-use facility, supporting both US government agencies as well as the civilian community. Assets include visible and IR sensors, and a 3.67 meter telescope under construction.
Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixels Experiment ( AGAPE )
AGAPE (Andromeda Galaxy and Amplified Pixels Experiment) is a French collaboration between CNRS (IN2P3 and INSU) and CEA (DSM/DAPNIA) laboratories.
The project is a search for microlensing on unresolved stars of the Andromeda M31 galaxy by MACHOs (baryonic dark matter candidates) of the halo of the Milky Way as well as of the halo of M31.
Anglo-Australian Telescope / Schmidt Telescope Unit ( AAT / STU )
Apache Point Observatory
APO is privately owned and operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC), consisting of the University of Chicago, Institute for Advanced Study, Johns Hopkins University, New Mexico State University, Princeton University, University of Washington, and Washington State University. The observatory consists of a 3.5-meter telescope and three future telescopes which are under construction.
APS Catalog of POSS I ( Univ. Minnesota )
The APS Catalog of the POSS I contains millions of entries for stars and galaxies, and the corresponding Image Database contains their pixels and more. The data behind the Object Catalog and Image Database are generated from digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. Object Catalog entries include calibrated magnitudes in two colors, positions to 0.2 arcseconds, confidence measures on neural network image classifications, colors, and various other useful parameters.
Armagh Observatory ( Ireland )
Information on research programme and staff. Access to some Armagh Preprints and historical documentation.
Astronomical Institute, Wroclaw University
Astronomical Institute of Wroclaw University, Poland Main fields of interest: Solar and Space Physics, Pulsating stars, Celestial Mechanics
Australian National University - Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatories ( MSSSO )
Includes another Astronomy Listing. Also, and Anonymous ftp server.
Automated Telescopes
Links to Automated telescopes on the Internet.
Brown University - Astronomy ( Brown )
Lists Faculty, Courses, Brown Observatories, etc.
Brown University - Observatories
Bucknell University Observatory
Cagliari Astronomical Observatory ( International Latitude Station )
The Cagliari Astronomical Observatory was established as International Latitude Astronomical Station of Carloforte in 1899, a small town of the sardinian island of S. Pietro. It has been, for about 80 years, one of the five international stations devoted to study the Earth rotation and polar motion. Observations with the zenital telescope were carried out, except in the period of the second world's war. Starting from 1978, the headquarters were moved to Punta Sa Menta, a site 15 km far from Cagliari which has the same latitude of the Carloforte station. (Satellite Laser Ranging, Astrophysics, Planetary Dynamics, Time Laboratory, Data Processing)
Calar Alto Observatory
German-Spanish Astronomical Center on Calar Alto operated by the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie in Heidelberg, Germany
Cambridge Optical Aperture Synthesis Telescope ( COAST )
Canada France Hawaii Telescope (ftp) ( CFHT )
Canada France Hawaii Telescope (WWW) ( CFHT )
CFHT is a joint facility of the National Research Council of Canada, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France, and the University of Hawaii. The CFH observatory hosts a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope. The observatory is located atop the summit of Mauna Kea, a 4200 meter, dormant volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The CFH Telescope became operational in 1979.

A CFHT page at CADC has information about the CFHT archive, CCDs, proposal template and manuals.

Canada France Hawaii Telescope - Archive & Schedules (at DAO) ( CFHT )
(archive, CCDs, proposal template, manuals) - All the CFHT data are now being archived since September 18, 1992 and the proprietary period is 2 years. After that time, they become public and are available world wide.
Carnegie Institution Observatories ( OCIW )
Carter Observatory
Carter Observatory is the National Observatory of New Zealand.
Catania Astrophysical Observatory ( OAC )
Daily solar images (chromosphere and photosphere)
CEA abstracts and publications
WAIS index to the publications and abstracts of papers issued by the Center for EUV Astrophysics (CEA), Berkeley, CA.
CEA WWW pages
WAIS index to the WWW pages of the Center for Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Astrophysics (CEA), Berkeley, CA.
Cecil and Ida Green Piñon Flat Observatory ( PFO )
Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics ( CAAO )
The Center's mission is to develop state-of-the-art adaptive optics systems for the many large telescope projects currently under development by Steward Observatory in collaboration with a number of partners worldwide.
Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy ( CHARA )
Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory ( CTIO )
Waveform Def. Language; Arcon images of 30 Dor; Argus documentation; PhotRed; Curtis Schmidt data; Schmidt + thin prism data - README
The CHARA Array will consist of five 1-m aperture telescopes (with an eventual goal of seven) in a Y-shaped array contained within a 400m diameter circle. This configuration will provide high resolution interferometry in the visible spectral region as well as the K spectral band (2.2 micron), with a limiting resolution of 0.2 milliarcsec in the visible.
Climenhaga Observatory
Copenhagen University Observatory
Curtis Schmidt Telescope
The Curtis Schmidt telescope is a 0.61/.91 meter diameter Schmidt telescope located at the Cerro Tololo InterAmerican Observatory, about 500 km north of Santiago, Chile. This telescope was originally installed at the University of Michigan's Portage Lake Observatory in 1950, and moved to the much clearer skies of north central Chile in 1966. Two thirds of the time on this telescope is available to US and Chilean astronomers, with the remaining one third reserved for astronomers from the Dept. of Astronomy at the University of Michigan.
Danish telescopes around the world
Digital Sky Survey ( DSS )
The Digital Sky Survey, consisting of the 1950/55 Palomar Observatory Sky Survey red plates for the northern sky and the SERC Southern Sky Survey (including the SERC J Equatorial Extension and some short V-band plates at low galactic latitude) is available on line. A name resolver is available to find the coordinates of the object of interest. This service is intended to occasional, non-time critical users and for small fields. Depending on the load and the size of the field, the access and response time could be very large.
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory (WWW) ( DAO )
The DAO is operated by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) through its Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (HIA) as a national centre for astronomical research within Canada, with emphasis on UV, optical and IR astronomy. The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre is a group within the DAO which is responsible for the Canadian archive of data from the Hubble Space Telescope as well the archive of data from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope. DAO's Facilty Manual is now online. You might also want to check out the DAO Virtual Library.
Dpto. Astrofisica. I. Fisica de Cantabria
This is the Home Page of the Astrophysics Department of the Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria at Santander, Spain. This is a center supported by the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Cantabria. People here works in Extragalactic Astrophysics. These pages contain their work and interests as well as some miscellaneous information.
ESO Bulletin Board
Midas; Computer; Info; Garching; La Silla; Sest; Pinboard
ESO-MIDAS Users Guide
ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla. Volume A describes the basic MIDAS system with all general purpose facilities such as MIDAS Control Language, all available commands, data input/output (including plotting and image display), table system (MIDAS Data Base). Site specific features are given in an appendix. Volume B describes how to use the MIDAS system for astronomical data reduction. Application packages for special types of data or reductions (e.g., long slit and echelle spectra, object search, or crowded field photometry) are discussed assuming intensity calibrated data. A set of appendices gives a detailed description of the reduction of raw data from ESO instruments. Volume C gives the detailed description for all commands available. This volume is not available to remote users as the complete volume as it is accessed via the MIDAS GUI XHelp.
European Southern Observatory ( ESO )
ESO, the European Southern Observatory, is a multinational organisation of eight European member states. It operates astronomical observatories in Chile and has its headquarters in Munich, Germany.
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
European Southern Observatory ( ESO )
The European Southern Observatory, established in 1962, operates astronomical observatories at La Silla (600 km north of Santiago de Chile) and at Paranal (130 km south of Antofagasta). ESO's headquarters are in Garching, just north of Munich, Germany. ESO is supported by: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Europe and in Chile, ESO has a combined scientific, technical, adminstrative and visiting staff of around 400.
Gemini 8m Telescopes Project (GOPHER) ( Gemini )
Gemini 8m Telescopes Project ( Gemini )
The Gemini 8m Telescopes Project is an international project to build two infrared-optimized telescopes. One telescope will be located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii; the other will be on Cerro Pachon, Chile.
Georgia State University - Astronomy ( GSU )
CHARA = Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy
Hard Labor Creek Observatory
Earth Satellite Ephemeris Service for brighter earth satellites;
German-Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto
The German-Spanish Astronomical Center at Calar Alto is located in the Sierra de Los Filabres in Southern Spain. It operates four telescopes with apertures from 1.2m to 3.5m as well as a Schmidt reflector. A 1.5m-telescope is operated under the control of the Observatory of Madrid.
Grove Creek Observatory, Australia ( GCO )
Grove Creek Observatory in NSW Australia, specializes in CCD imaging and research. Accomodation available for visiting amateur astronomers. Has Mirror Site in USA.
Guillermo Haro Observatory ( Cananea, Mexico )
Hard Labor Creek Observatory ( HLCO )
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics ( CFA )
The CfA combines the resources and research facilities of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory under a single director to pursue studies of those basic physical processes that determine the nature and evolution of the universe. The CfA operates the Whipple Observatory in Amado, Arizona, and the Theory Group ).
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics ( HIA )
The Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (HIA)is the scientific institute within the National Research Council of Canada which is responsible for operating Canadian observatories. Subdivisions and related facilities of HIA include: the DAO, DRAO, JCMT, CFHT, Gemini, and Solar Terrestrial Physics
Hipparcos is a space experiment dedicated to the precise measurement of the positions, parallaxes and proper motions of the stars. The intended goal was to measure the five astrometric parameters of some 120 000 primary programme stars to a precision of some 2 to 4 milli-arcsec, over a planned mission lifetime of 2.5 years, and the astrometric and two-colour photometric properties of some 400 000 additional stars (the Tycho experiment) to a somewhat lower astrometric precision. The project was accepted within the ESA scientific programme in 1980. The satellite was launched by Ariane, in August 1989, and after collecting more than three years of extremely high-quality scientific data, communications were terminated with the satellite in August 1993. All of the mission goals have been achieved, and in most cases significantly exceeded. The first results are expected to be available to Principal Investigators during 1996, and widely distributed early in 1997.
Hitachi Instruments
Hitachi Instruments, Inc. is a manufacturer and provider of high efficiency diffraction gratings. We offer both standard catalog components and custom made to order items.
HST literature
WAIS index to a bibliography of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) related literature. The underlying database is a copy of the list maintained by Sarah Stevens-Rayburn, STScI Librarian.
HST status
WAIS index to daily activity / instrument status information for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Files hst_status_* in stsci/hst_news directory on STEIS are indexed.
HST WF/PC-1 images
WAIS index to images obtained with the WF/PC-1 camera on board the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST), retrievable via full-text search of the associated observing proposals
Hubble Space Telescope - an artist's view
Hubble Space Telescope - pictures
Publicly released images from post-servicing observations by Hubble Space Telescope. The images in this directory are in GIF format which supports up to 256 colors (8-bits). They include 30 Doradus, 47 Tucanae, Comet 1993e, Eta Carinae, Mars, M31, M87, M100, NGC1068, NGC2440, NGC6624, NGC7252, Nova Cygni, Orion (incl. animation), QSO1220+204, the Saturn storm, SL-9, SN1987A (with rings), and SN1994I. The images have originally been made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Space Telescope Astrometry Science Team
See how astrometry, one of the oldest branches of astronomy, uses the Hubble Space Telescope, one of the newest tools of astronomy. Interrogate our home page to find out what we do, who we are, and what we've done. Look over our shoulder as we search for planets around a nearby star. We use the Fine Guidance Sensors aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to measure star positions, study binary stars and study stellar motions. Primarily, stellar positions yield parallaxes which provide information on distance. The distances to nearby stars calibrate the entire astronomical distance scale. Monitoring star position may reveal previously unseen companions. We search for planets near Proxima Centauri and Barnard's Star. We also work to tie the HIPPARCOS reference frame to an extragalactic (non-rotating) reference frame. We study binary stars unresolvable using ground-based techniques. We inspect stars to determine whether or not they are binary. We use the Planetary Camera to obtain images of stars in globular clusters. The precision with which we can measure positions is so high, that after 3-5 years a second image will show motions of stars in clusters 6 kpc distant.
Hubble Space Telescope picture gallery
a mousable sequence of press release photographs taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
Hubble Space Telescope public images and other information
images, movies and animations from some of the observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). They are made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute. See also: TIFFs & GIFs ( Levay), ExInEd (Macs-only)
IAC / Observatorio del Teide
IAC / Observatorio Roque de los Muchachos
Indiana University Automated Photometric Telescope
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars ( IBVS )
The Information Bulletin on Variable Stars is a bulletin of the Commissions 27 and 42 of the International Astronomical Union, published by Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.
Infra-Red Telescope Facility ( IRTF )
The IRTF is a 3.0 meter telescope optimized for use in the infrared. It was first built to support the Voyager missions to Jupiter. It is now the National facility for infrared astronomy providing continued support to planetary and deep space applications. Also contains a FTP site.
Anonymous ftp (Manuals, Forms, Instrument information, Software tools)
Infrared and Optical Telescope Array ( IOTA )
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale ( IAS )
Space Astrophysics Institute, Orsay, French center for ESA's Infrared Observatory (ISO) [text in French]
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica. Astrophysics Department ( INAOE, Mexico )
Information on the Large Millimeter Telescope an about the Cananea observatory
Isaac Newton Group La Palma Information
The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING) consists of the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope, the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope and the 1-m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope. They are situated at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.
Joint Astronomy Centre ( Hilo, Hawaii )
The Joint Astronomy Centre incorporates the 15m James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the 3.8m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) on the 4200m summit of Mauna Kea along with the Centre's Hawaii headquarters in Hilo. The facility is operated by the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh on behalf of the Science and Engineering Research Council of the United Kingdom, the Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek and the National Research Council of Canada.
Keck Observatory ( CalTech )
Kirkwood Observatory
Kitt Peak National Observatory (FTP) ( KPNO )
Kitt Peak National Observatory ( KPNO )
There is also an anonymous ftp
Konkoly Observatory
The Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has evolved from the private observatory of Miklos Konkoly-Thege. Konkoly founded his observatory in 1871 in Ogyalla. Twenty-nine years later he donated the telescopes and instruments to the Hungarian state. The construction of Piszkesteto Mountain Station started in 1958. Three telescopes currently operate there: a 60/90 cm Schmidt (since 1962), a 50 cm Cassegrain (since 1966) and an 1 m RCC (since 1974).
Kuiper Airborne Observatory ( KAO )
La Palma - Isaac Newton Group (gopher) ( ING )
La Palma - Isaac Newton Group (WWW) ( ING )
The Issac Newton Group consists of three telescopes, the 4.2 metre William Herschel Telescope, the 2.5 metre Isaac Newton Telescope, and the 1.0 metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telscope. They are situated at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma in the Canary Islands, and are operated by the Royal Observatories of the UK. This resource contains documentation for many of the major instruments, details of how to apply for time, brief descriptions of the telescopes, details and status of the service programme, current telescope schedules, daylight and moonlight diagrams from the Nautical Almanac Office of the RGO, reports on recent instrument commissioning, and pointers to weather information for La Palma and to the home pages of other institutions which share the site.
La Palma - Italian National Telescope Galileo ( TNG )
The TNG (Galileo National Telescope) is a Project of the Italian Astronomical community. TNG headquarters (TNG Project Scientist is Cesare Barbieri ) is housed in the Padova Observatory.
La Palma - Nordic Optical Telescope ( NOT )
La Silla - All Telescopes
La Silla - ESO Facilities
Lake Afton Public Observatory
Large Binocular Telescope ( LBT )
LBT Telescope
The Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) is a collaboration between the University of Arizona, the Italian astronomical community, which is represented by the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence, and the Research Corporation in Tucson. The goal of the LBT project is to construct a binocular telescope consisting of two 8.4-meter mirrors on a common mount. This telescope will be equivalent in light-gathering power to a single 11.8-meter instrument. Because of its binocular arrangement, the telescope will have a resolving power (ultimate image sharpness) corresponding to a 23-meter telescope.
Leeds University - Astrophysics Group
Within the Department of Physics at Leeds University are three research groups that work in Astronomy related areas. The Optical Astronomy group is mainly interested in globular clusters and CCD photometry.

The Haverah Park group studies high energy cosmic rays by various techniques.

The Whipple group is attempting to detect gamma rays with energies > 1TeV using air-Cherenkov detectors.

Leiden Observatory
Limber Observatory
Limber Observatory is a private observatory and residence in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio, specializing in optical polarimetry of early emission line stars.
Lowell Observatory
Lund Observatory
Local information, re- and preprints, images from the Nordic Optical Telescope
Mauna Kea Observatories
Michigan State's Telescope Initative
Outreach efforts to merge astronomy research and non-science education
Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT Observatory ( MDM Observatory )
MDM Observatory is a collaboration between the University of Michigan, Dartmouth College, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Observatory is located on the southwest ridge of the Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, AZ. It operates two telescopes: the 2.4-m Hiltner telescope and the 1.3-m McGraw-Hill telescope. Each institution receives one third of the telescope time on both telescopes.
Mississippi State University - Department of Physics and Astronomy
The Physics and Astronomy Department home page contains information about faculty, students, and departmental facilities. Research information and information about the University's Howell Observatory is also available.
Mississippi State University - Howell Observatory
Mount Laguna Observatory
Mount Wilson Observatory
The mountain is host to several ongoing observing projects using the onsite facilities. The observatory has two primary nighttime telescopes: the 60-inch telescope, built in 1908 is home to the HK Project and the Atmospheric Compensation Experiment; and the 100-inch (Hooker) telescope, built in 1917, which is available to the scientific community. Two solar observatories, the 60-foot tower telescope (operated by USC), and the 150-foot tower telescope (operated by UCLA) maintain long-term exploration of the magnetic activity behavior of the Sun. There are also two interferometers onsite: the Infrared Spatial Interferometer (ISI, operated by U.C. Berkeley), and the NRL Optical Interferometer. The Telescopes in Education (TIE) Project operates a 24" telescope, as well as the Snow Solar Telescope (built in 1904). Finally, a fully-robotic 32-inch Automatic Photoeletric Telescope (APT) is operated by Tennessee State University. New service of MWO Online Stargazer Map
Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory (1) ( MMTO )
Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory (2) ( MMTO )
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
A Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies is presented as an educational tool for high school students. Optical, X-ray, Far-Infrared and Radio images are shown for a variety of nearby galaxies. Text describing the physical mechanisms of the different types of radiation, and their astronomical sources is supplied.
WAIS index to abstracts from NASA's Selected Current Space Aeronautics (SCAN) abstract service
NASA Shuttle flights - pictures
Pretty pictures from many NASA Shuttle flights, including STS-61 in December 1993 to service the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The images in this directory are mirrored from the sites at: ftp://explorer.arc.nasa.gov/pub/SPACE/SHUTTLE, and ftp://sseop.jsc.nasa.gov/
National Laboratory for Astrophysics ( LNA, Brazil )
LNA is an Institute of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). At present, LNA supports 3 telescopes: the 1.6-m Ritchey-Chretien and coudé, the 0.6-m Cassegrain and the 0.6-m telescope of the University of São Paulo.
National Optical Astronomy Observatories ( NOAO )
catalogs, NSO, CTIO, KPNO
National Undergraduate Research Observatory ( NURO )
The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Lowell Observatory and Northern Arizona University is a 0.8m telescope located on Anderson Mesa south of Flagstaff, Arizona. NURO is a consortium of Universities and small colleges to provide a research grade telescope for undergraduate research and education.
New England Light Pollution Advisory Group ( NELPAG )
Information concerning improved outdoor lighting to reduce glare and obtrusive light.
Oak Ridge Observatory
Observatório Nacional, Brazil ( Rio de Janeiro )
Observatoire de Haute-Provence ( OHP )
The Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP) is an optical observatory in southeast France offering small and medium-sized observing facilities to astronomers in France, Europe and abroad. Includes information about instruments and user manuals.
Observatoire du Mont Mégantic ( OMM )
Observatorio Astronómico Nacional
The Observatorio Astronómico Nacional (OAN) operates 3 telescopes (2.1m, 1.5m, and 0.84m) up in the mountains of the Sierra San Pedro Martir of Baja California. The observatory offices and workshops are located in Ensenada, B.C. overlooking the Pacific ocean. OAN is a part of the Instituto de Astronomía of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Observatorio Astronomico de La Plata ( OALP )
Faculty of Astronomical and Geophysical Sciences. The Observatory was established in November 1883. Its principal tasks are research and teaching in Astronomy and Geophysics.
Observatorium Hoher List
Optical Correctors for Fixed Telescopes
One of the often cited limitations of liquid mirror telescopes pertains to the small region of sky which they can observe. Because the aberrations of a parabola increase rapidly with field angle, classical corrector designs cannot yield subarcsecond images for angles significantly greater than one degree. To access larger fields, innovative corrector designs must be explored.
In these pages we discuss the Optical Design and Testing of a family of two-mirror correctors to compensate the aberrations of a fixed parabolic mirror observing at a large angle from the zenith.
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri ( Firenze )
English Version (not as current as Italian version)
Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania di Teramo ( OACT )
Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna
Includes history, research activities, photos, preprints and a visit to the Astronomical Museum to view items from the collection.
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera/Merate
Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova ( Padova )
Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo " Giuseppe S. Vaiana"
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma - Sede di Monte Porzio
Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma ( OAR )
Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino ( OATo )
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste ( OAT )
OAT Activities include: Physics of the sun and of the solar system, Physics of the stars, the interstellar medium and of the galaxy, Extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology, Astronomical technologies, and Space astronomy.
Palomar Observatory ( CalTech )
Perugia University Astronomical Observatory
Articles, data, researches, and new developments at Perugia University Astronomical Observatory.
Physics and Space Technology Directorate ( LLNL )
Polar Observatory Stratospheric Telescope ( POST )
POST is an ultralight 4m diameter telescope suspended at an altitude of 12km (40,000ft) from a 90m aerostat above a base near Fairbanks, Alaska. The large mirror (the Hubble Space Telescope mirror is only 2.5m in diameter) when operated in the cold, thin, dry polar stratosphere will provide images whose resolution rivals that of HST, and exceeds that of any ground-based telescope including Keck. The intensity of the images is ten times stronger than HST. In the infrared, POST will detect galaxies in the early universe which are 10 times fainter than those that can be detected with any present or planned space or ground telescope. POST will take images and data in the infrared beyond 2 microns where HST is ineffective and in spectral windows which are closed to ground-based telescopes.
Poznan Observatory ( A. Mickiewicz University )
Information on the staff and research activities.
Proc. Workshop " Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope"
The proceedings from the HST Calibration Workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute November 15-17, 1993. These proceedings include discussions on the calibration of each instrument, including the Fine Guidance Sensors. There is also a general section that includes papers on the Optical Telescope Assembly, the HST Calibration Database and information on the calibration of other space observatories namely, the IUE and the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope. Check the table of contents for a full listing. For the user's convenience this book is available both by individual paper and by hefty chunks of postscript for each section: WFPC, FOC, FOS, GHRS and General. The latter method is most useful for those of you who want to collect the whole book. The main text of the book is 442 pages.
Proc. Workshop " The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra"
Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 18-19 November 1993. Edited by Robert J. Hanisch (hanisch@stsci.edu) and Richard L. White (rlw@stsci.edu). Advanced Systems Group, Science Computing and Research Support Division, Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218
Remote Access Astronomy Project ( RAAP )
The Remote Access Astronomy Project

The RAAP is an educational outreach program that promotes interest in science through providing astronomy educational resources. These include a series of digital image processing exercises to teach a variety of physical concepts as well as access to our computer controlled telescope allowing motivated students design and carry out their own experiments.

RISE/PSPT newsletter ( PostScript )
Newsletter for the precision solar photometric telescope project, of the Sacramento Peak Observatory, a part of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO).
Ritter Astrophysical Research Center
The Ritter Astrophysical Research Center is associated with the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Toledo. The Center includes faculty and graduate students working in the fields of stellar, interstellar, planetary, and extragalactic astrophysics. The Center's facilities include a 1m reflector equipped with two fiber-fed spectragraphs, one a low/medium resolution and one a high resolution echelle spectragraph and time on the departmental accelerator for investigation of astrophysically interesting atomic parameters.
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory ( RAO )
Royal Greenwich Observatory ( RGO )
SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) ( FTP )
Sejong Observatory
Sloan Digital Sky Survey ( SDSS at Fermilab )
(1) In the pi steradians of the available North Galactic Pole (b > 30 degrees), we shall conduct surveys in the following manner: Obtain a photometric survey, in four or five filters to 23rd magnitude (R), 5 sigma, for stellar objects; obtain redshifts for all galaxies down to 19th magnitude (B); obtain redshifts for all QSOs down to 20th magnitude (B). (2) In the available South Galactic Pole region there will be a deeper survey in a strip 2 degrees (dec) by 50 degrees, in order to: obtain a photometric survey, in four or five filters to 25th magnitude (R), 5 sigma, for stellar objects; obtain redshifts for all galaxies down to 20th magnitude (B); obtain redshifts for all QSOs down to 21st magnitude (B). (3) In the additional available sky covering the Galactic disk, a deep photometric survey will be conducted on a best effort basis to 23rd magnitude (R), 5 sigma.
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (1) ( SAO )
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2) ( SAO )
Includes: AXAF Science Center (ASC) . Anonymous ftp
South African Astronomical Observatory ( SAAO )
This is the SAAO home page. It gives a brief introduction to the work done at SAAO, how to submit observing requests, lists of preprints (with abstracts) of SAAO staff members, facilities manual and pictures.
ST-ECF WWW pages
WAIS index to all files in WISE, the World Wide Web (WWW) based information system at the Space Telescope - European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF) which supports European astronomers in using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
StarTrax: an Astrophysics Information System ( WWW AIS )
StarTrax 2.0 is a forms interface to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) database management system at NASA's GSFC, which allows browsing of various astronomical catalogs and archival datafiles, providing a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT. The Browse facility incorporates a name resolver to convert object names to coordinates; it will also provide multiple downloading of data products. Best results can be obtained by following the configuration instructions.
Stephen F. Austin State University Observatory
Facilities, research, and personnel of the SFASU Observatory.
The following resources are similar (same sort-key, different text):
Stephen F. Austin State University Observatory
Facilities, research, and personnel of the SFASU Observatory.
Stephen F. Austin State University Observatory ( SFASU )
Facilities, research, and personnel of the SFASU Observatory.
Sternwarte der Universitaet Bonn
Observations mainly in the optical spectral range are used for galactic and extragalactic research. The Sternwarte operates the Observatorium Hoher List about 100 km from Bonn.
Steward Observatory (FTP)
Steward Observatory (WWW)
The Steward Observatory Home Page provides information on the academic and research activities of the University of Arizona Department of Astronomy as well as information on the facilities of Steward Observatory.
Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy ( SOFIA )
The Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) will be a 2.5 meter, optical/infrared/sub-millimeter telescope mounted in a Boeing 747, to be used for many basic astronomical observations performed at stratospheric altitudes. The Facility will accommodate installation of different focal plane instruments, with in-flight accessibility, provided by investigators selected from the international science community. The Facility objective is to have an operational lifetime in excess of 20 years.
STScI documents
WAIS index to User Manuals produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute for use by Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) proposers and observers. PostScript and ASCII versions in /documents/* directories on STEIS
STSDAS help system index
WAIS index of all help files for STSDAS, the Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System, developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
STSDAS source code
WAIS index of all spp (Subset Preprocessor) source code of STSDAS (Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System), developed at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD, for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
Sunspot community newspaper (full text in PostScript format)
The Automatic Radio Linked Telescope at NFO
The ARLT is an observatory associated with Western New Mexico University in Silver City, NM
The Loiano Telescopes - Bologna
The MACHO project
The MACHO project is searching for dark matter in the form of Massive Compact Halo Objects (MACHOs) using gravitational microlensing. We search for these events by monitoring over 10 million stars every night in the LMC and Galactic bulge, using the dedicated 50-inch telescope at Mt. Stromlo.
The University of Toledo - Department of Physics and Astronomy ( UT-P&A )
Details on the department including faculty, research projects, and the Ritter Astrophysical Research Center. The Center includes a 1m optical reflector equipped with both a low/medium resolution spectragraph and an echelle spectragraph.
The Whole Earth Telescope ( W.E.T. )
In 1986, astronomers from the University of Texas established a world--wide network of cooperating astronomical observatories to obtain uninterrupted time--series measurements of variable stars. The technological goal was to resolve the multi-periodic oscillations observed in these objects into their individual components; the scientific goal was to construct accurate theoretical models of the target objects, constrained by their observed behavior, from which their fundamental astrophysical parameters could be derived. This approach has been extremely successful, and has placed the fledgling science of stellar seismology at the forefront of stellar astrophysics.
Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg ( TLS )
The observatory is running a 2m telescope which can be used in three different optical configurations: Schmidt telescope Cassegrain telescope Coude telescope
Two Color (U,B) Survey of Galactic Plane ( Lanning UV Survey )
In 1969, a two-color survey of the galactic plane was begun using the Palomar 48-in Oschin Schmidt telescope under the direction of Allan Sandage. The intent of the survey was to support the Uhuru X-ray satellite (launched in 1972) in an effort to identify the optical counterparts of newly detected x-ray sources. Each plate was exposed through the Blue (GG13) and UV (UG1) filters with images offset by 12 arcsec. The exposure times were selected such that the U-B color was balanced at U-B=0 for equal sized images. The hotter the star, the bluer (larger) the UV image.
UCO/Lick: Keck Telescope
UCO/Lick: Mount Hamilton
UK Infra-Red Telescope ( UKIRT )
UMASS Astronomy Image Library
A library of optical, near infrared, IRAS, and mm radio images of astronomical objects of special interest to the UMass Astronomy group. This library includes the hyperlinked tour of the Lynds 1641 molecular cloud in Orion, and a library of images of molecular line maps of star formation regions studied at FCRAO.
University College London - Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Bradford - Engineering in Astronomy Group
University of Bradford - Robotic Telescope
University of British Columbia - Department of Geophysics and Astronomy ( UBC )
University of California Observatories - Lick Observatory (WWW) ( UCO/Lick )
Lick Observatory Anonymous ftp
University of California, Berkeley - Astronomy Department ( UCB-Astronomy )
The UCB Astronomy Home Page contains general information about the department. We maintain links for faculty, staff, post docs and students so that they may make papers, images, and other information available. Also included are an e-mail directory for the department, and links to related institutions.
University of California, San Diego - Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences ( UCSD - CASS )
The Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences at UC San Diego is the birthplace of the multi-channel Digicon photon detectors. Four of these are used on two instruments, the UCSD Faint Object Spectrometer (FOS), and the Goddard High Resolution Spectrometer (GHRS), on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Available at this site is information relating to the activities, facilities, and personnel at CASS. The Faint Object Spectrograph group, its history, and related areas of research are described in detail.
University of California, Santa Barbara - Astrophysics Group ( UCSB )
University of Georgia, Dept of Physics and Astronomy
Astronomy at UGA
University of Hawaii - Institute for Astronomy ( UH - IfA )
University of Hawaii IfA: 2.2m Telescope
University of Hawaii, Hilo - Department of Physics and Astronomy ( UH, Hilo )
University of Iowa - Automated Telescope Facility
University of Ljubljana, Astronomical Observatory ( Slovenia )
The Ljubljana Astronomical Observatory is part of the Department of Physics and is located on the hill Golovec close to Ljubljana. Observations that require dark skies are obtained at Crni vrh observing station where two small automated telescopes equipped with state of the art systems for CCD photometry are located.

Astronomers run university courses of astronomy for astronomers as well as physicists and primary and secondary school teachers. The Observatory has a public astronomical library. Research is in large part done in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of Padua. Reseach interests include general relativity, active galactic nuclei, close stellar binary systems, pulsars, comets and telescope automation.

University of Manchester - Astronomy Group
Available are contact details, research interests of the group members, preprints and publications, course details, a frequently updated collection of links to items of interest to astronomers and of course, a few pretty pictures.
University of Melbourne - School of Physics: Astrophysics Group
University of Oregon - Pine Mountain Observatory
University of Texas, Austin - Department of Astronomy / McDonald Observatory
University of Toronto - David Dunlap Observatory ( DDO )
University of Toronto Southern Observatory ( UTSO )
UTSO operates the 60cm Helen Sawyer Hogg Telescope located on Cerro Las Campanas in north-central Chile. This homepage provides information useful to potential users and others interested in our facility.
University of Victoria Astronomy
This is the Home Page of the Astronomy Group at the University of Victoria. It contains information on faculty, graduate students and research associates. Research activities and facilities are described. In addition, a selection of electronic preprints written by members of the Group is also available.
Uppsala Astronomical Observatory
The WWW-server contains information about research activities etc, at the astronomical observatory at Uppsala University.
Van Vleck Observatory ( VVO )
Very Large Telescope Project ( VLT )
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is curently constructing the 16-metre equivalent Very Large Telescope (VLT). This major scientific and technological project aims at installing the world's largest optical telescope in the form of four interconnected telescopes with 8.2-metre mirrors on the Paranal mountain in the Chilean Atacama desert. It continues to be on schedule as it heads towards its completion, just after the year 2000.
Warsaw University - Astronomical Observatory
Contains general information about our Observatory and the most up-to-date information on the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) -- a long-term, large scale photometric search for dark matter in our Galaxy using microlensing phenomena.
Warsaw University - Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment ( OGLE )
The server contains general information about our Observatory and the most up-to-date information on the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) -- a long-term, large scale photometric search for dark matter in our Galaxy using microlensing phenomena. Information on the side projects conducted parallely to the main search are also there.
WebStars ( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web Group; software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages & style guides; on-line articles about astronomy on the Web; HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and other online services; and virtual reality. If you have a document or resource you wish to be included, send me the text (preferably HTML) or a URL. WebStars is referenced by many other sites on the Web. It has been expanded and reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February, so visit again! The What's New page lists file change dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New Additions areas.
Wesleyan University - Astronomy Program
The Department of Astronomy at Wesleyan University offers both BA and MA degrees in astronomy. We include, here, information on coursework, current faculty research, recent faculty and student preprints and on-going observing programs at Van Vleck Observatory including an extensive Catalog of Photometry of T Tauri Stars
Whately Telescope
Whipple Observatory
Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper ( WHAM )
The Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper will produce a survey of H-Alpha emission from the interstellar medium (ISM) over the entire northern sky. The instrument combines a 24-inch telescope and a high-resolution, 6-inch Fabry-Perot spectrometer to achieve 8-12 km/s velocity resolution in one-degree beams on the sky. By utilizing CCD technology, we hope to attain a sensitivity level of 0.01 Rayleighs. This survey, the first of ionized hydrogen in our galaxy, will be used to explore the spatial and kinematic structure of the warm ionized component of the ISM. WHAM is currently at Pine Bluff Observatory but will move to Kitt Peak, Arizona in the Fall of 1996 for the survey, which should take about 2 years.
WIYN, from Indiana University
Wyoming Infrared Observatory ( WIRO )

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar